Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hockey Parents.....No Whining allowed!

Hockey parents are out of control.  They belittle their kids, abuse coaches and referees and think their child will play in the NHL.  For this reason Hockey in Canada has decided that each family that is registered in minor hockey should take a 1 hour online course so that we all can become better hockey parents.  
There are abusive parents out there.  Some of them are embarrassing to listen to and are probably pretty hard on their kids in all aspects of daily life.  The real question that needs to be examined is, “what is the root problem?”  Is it just the parents? Is it greed, inadequacy, or does the problem run deeper.  This armchair sports-fan contends the problem is the number of mixed messages that both parents and kids receive throughout the child’s hockey life. 
There are certain people who I hope will read this column, though by nature they probably won’t know it’s about them.
I’m talking about the dads who stand at the back of the rink purple-faced, banging on the aluminum walls when a goal is scored, and screeching at their kids. I’m talking about the moms who incessantly shake plastic jugs full of pennies and, yes, screech at their kids.

It seems so simple, but here’s the rule:  SHUT UP!  You have no idea what you are talking about. Whether you spend your day putting up drywall or doing complex accounting procedures, the one thing you are not doing is playing/coaching a hockey team. So shut up and stop ruining your children’s life.
This sport can change lives; make sure it’s for the better.